Council of young scientists


In his historic speech at the Youth Conference of the country on April 6, 2016, the deeply respected President of Turkmenistan noted the role of youth in society and the key areas of state youth policy and outlined the most important tasks. Among the tasks set by the National Leader, it is worth noting the tasks related to the creation of the Center for Young Scientists at the Academy of Sciences and the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization, as well as in scientific and educational institutions of the country.

In order to implement the tasks, set by the Respected President, the Council of Young Scientists was established at the Turkmen State Institute of Finance. The Council of Young Scientists operates in accordance with the Regulations on the Council of Young Scientists of the Turkmen State Institute of Finance, approved at a meeting of the Council of Scientists and approved by the order of the Rector of the Institute dated January 30, 2017.

The tasks of the Institute of Young Scientists of the Institute are:

  • wide involvement of young scientists in research work;
  • raising the qualifications of young scientists and promoting their professional development;
  • ensuring the continuity of national science and higher education through the training of young scientists;
  • protection of the rights and interests of young scientists in their professional activities.

Council of Young Scientists of the Institute to achieve its goals:

  • organizes and conducts scientific and practical conferences, seminars, exhibitions, forums and other events in which young scientists can participate;
  • contributes to the development of direct ties between young scientists in the field of interdisciplinary complex scientific research aimed at solving urgent problems of modern science and practice;
  • supports the professional growth of young scientists, the development of scientific skills and the dissemination of research results;
  • carries out work to inform young scientists about scientific research conducted by Turkmen and foreign research institutions, creates the necessary information system for young scientists, provides consulting and other services;
  • supports and encourages innovative work of young scientists;
  • acts as an initiator in the search for new forms of work of young scientists and their introduction into working practice, generalizes and disseminates the positive results of scientific work of the departments of the institute, other Turkmen and foreign scientific institutions;
  • organizes information support for doing science, provides the necessary information about ongoing scientific and practical conferences, seminars, announced grants and other events;
  • conducts various events together with public organizations of the institute by attracting young scientists of the institute to the scientific work of students;
  • provides advisory assistance to young scientists in applying for participation in competitions of scientific works and obtaining grants;
  • actively attracts young scientists to research work and scientific-practical conferences, as well as seminars held at the institute;
  • provides methodological assistance to young scientists and students in the preparation of scientific articles and abstracts for publication;
  • carries out other activities that do not contradict the current legislation of Turkmenistan, in accordance with the goals set.

Teachers and students who are members of the Council of Young Scientists of the Turkmen State Institute of Finance work on selected scientific topics. They take an active part in competitions of scientific works of national and international level and win prizes. Young teachers and students regularly publish scientific articles in scientific publications, including in the scientific and public electronic journal "Science and Technology of Youth".

The Council of Young Scientists of the Institute regularly holds its meetings, prepares periodic and annual reports on the work done. The Council of Young Scientists of the Institute maintains close ties with the Center for Young Scientists, formed under the Academy of Sciences and the Central Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly. The Council of Young Scientists of the Institute actively participates in scientific conferences and other events organized by the Center for Young Scientists via video link.



744027, Aşgabat ş., 1987 köç. (Türkmenistanyň Gahrymany Atamyrat Nyýazow şaýoly), 112.
744027, г. Aшхабад,  1987 (проспект Героя Туркменистана Атамурада Ниязова), 112.
744027, 112, 1987 str. (Hero of Turkmenistan Atamyrat Nyyazov ave.), Ashgabat c.
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